Hey, babe!
Hi, I’m Courtney Rose, model, social media modeling coach, and founder of Your Best Insta. You probably know me as Ona Artist (from my 5 Million Instagram). I’ve been active online as a businesswoman since 2008, and in that time I’ve gained over 10M followers and been covered by hundreds of media outlets.
As social media is constantly changing, I’ve always prided myself on keeping up with the trends and opportunities. In the early days, social media wasn’t as big as it is now, so I relied heavily on press releases, media coverage, and email lists. Once social media picked up, I moved into that arena and have done quite well for myself, as you can see. Part of my strategy has been using “personas” – I have 5 different names I use for my social media, depending on how I’m monetizing. Besides helping me own a 45 acre ranch and have over $2 million in the stock market, my Social Media Empire has helped me sell my art online, launch my coaching business, and get published as a writer on various cultural issues.
Now that I have two young children, my content production for my modeling pages has slowed down quite a bit (but not entirely!) and I’m concentrating mostly on coaching other models and showing my work at art fairs. And that’s ultimately the most important thing I want to share with you – your Social Media Empire is not only a gateway to life-changing money, it can be used to help you succeed at any dream you have. In today’s world, nothing happens without social media followers, and being a model is one of the best ways to get them. I look forward to working with you!
Always with Your Best Insta at heart…
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